Observatorium di UNSYIAH Aceh

The University Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah) in Banda Aceh start to set up an observatory. PT. ESA support the University with seismic sensor hardware and earthquake monitoring software SeisComP. The software SeisComP is used for real time monitoring of local earthquakes but also to reanalyze older data from former measurement campaign. Therefor SeisComP has an replay function to run older data again.
PT. ESA also delivered seismic sensor, including the settings to integrate the sensor directly in real time into the SeisComP software. Therefor we used GSM-Modem from Teltonika.
We also gave training on SeisComP, seismic senors and how to integrate them. The SeisComP Training was online with experts from gempa GmbH.

After the handover of the SeisComP software.
After the handover of the SeisComP software.


The university will observe local earthquakes. Therefore we installed also scanloc.

scanloc is a clustering and association tool to detect and to locate local to regional earthquakes using the cluster search algorithm DBSCAN. The cluster search in scanloc identifies phase picks from a cloud of possible picks reliably associating them to earthquakes. It also associates additionally incoming P- and S-phases to already existing internal or external hypocentre solutions. In high-seismcity areas scanloc ensures reliability of earthquake hypocentres at a wide range of magnitudes. It is just perfect for monitoring local earthquakes, geothermal sites, mines or carbonhydrate production.

This software package is an part of SeisComP.





Some pictures of the Raspberryshake Setup made by PT. ESA for the UNSYIAH University

Raspberry Shake is probably the smallest seismograph of its caliber in existence, but don’t let its size fool you. It can record earthquakes of all magnitudes. From the vanishingly small blips that are imperceptible to human senses, to the big destructive earthquakes that regularly happen around the world.



The electronic, with solarcontroller, GSM-Modem before installed inside the panlel.


The first test run of the electronic panel. The sensor later on will be powered by photovoltaic.


Data live in SeisComP
Data live in SeisComP

The Raspberryshake short period sensors are integrated in real time into the SeisComP software. Therefor we did setup an openVPN server and connected all sensors and the software to this server. This server will also be used to share the data with other partners.


Lennartz LE-3Dlite Sensor

The LE-3Dlite is perfectly suited for all kinds of local (micro)seismic monitoring – no matter if you want to measure tectonic, volcanic or induced seismicity. The seismometer is made for fieldwork in harsh environment: very robust, small sized and ultra-low power consumption.